G&P Udalosti a novinky
Working practice disruption significantly affected manufacturing quality in 2020
Quality management provider G&P reworked more than 27 million parts for its customers in 2020 to OEM standard, a 73 per cent increase compared to previous four-year average G&P also removed nearly seven million substandard components from the manufacturing process last year G&P’s award-winning Quality Excellence Model and highly-skilled personnel are credited for helping its […]
07 Apr 21
Quality Management expert expands client base in Far East
G&P expands Far East client base by adding another world-leading Tier 1 automotive supplier to its portfolio Technical inspection, reworking and testing spearheads latest opportunity G&P has ambitious growth plans for the Far East market operating from its Chinese headquarters in Shanghai UK-based quality management expert G&P has expanded its Far East client base by […]
18 Feb 21
New Group Marketing Manager for quality expert G&P
Maria Holmes-Keeling joins quality experts G&P as its new Group Marketing Manager Holmes-Keeling has 20 years’ marketing experience, including senior roles within the automotive sector G&P has ambitious growth plans, with marketing and communications playing a pivotal role G&P, a world leading quality management provider to manufacturing industries, has appointed Maria Holmes-Keeling as its new […]
16 Feb 21
Quality experts G&P appoints new UK general manager as it enters ambitious growth phase
Charles Bamford joins G&P, a world leading quality management provider, as its UK general manager Bamford has more than 20 years’ senior level experience working with some of the largest OEMs G&P enters ambitious growth phase within its core automotive and aerospace divisions, while diversifying into adjacent industries Charles Bamford has been appointed as UK […]
26 Nov 20
Predpisy o ochrane údajov
Predpisy o ochrane údajov Úvod V spoločnosti Gobel & Partner Ltd, ďalej označovanej ako „spoločnosť“, zhromažďujeme a spracovávame údaje o osobách, t.j. „osobné údaje“ na obchodné účely, vrátane údajov o pracovných pomeroch a personálnych údajov, na účely poskytovania našich služieb, obchodnej administratívy a na marketingové účely. Tieto údaje zahŕňajú osobné údaje o našich zamestnancoch, zákazníkoch, dodávateľoch a iných tretích osobách. […]
24 May 18
G&P Obtain ESOS Compliance
G&P Quality Management Group (Göbel & Partner) are proud to announce that we are amongst the first 120 large businesses, out of more than 10,000 businesses, to obtain our ESOS Compliance Certification;
03 Sep 15
G&P vytvára kvalitnú budúcnosť
Spoločnosť Göbel& Partner (G&P) už dosiahla všeobecné uznanie ako popredná značka v oblasti riadenia kvality a teraz uskutočňuje ambiciózne plány do budúcna.
21 Jul 15
G&P už 2. rok inšpiruje Britániu
Spoločnosť Göbel & Partner (G&P), odborník na riadenie kvality, bola zaradená do prestížneho zoznamu burzy London Stock Exchange, 1000 Companies to Inspire Britain už druhý rok.
G&P držiteľom ocenenia CIPS
G&P s hrdosťou oznamuje, že získala ocenenie organizácie CIPS (Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply) v spolupráci s JLR za najlepšie riadenie dodávateľských vzťahov.
22 Jul 15