More military recruits for quality management firm

Leading quality management service provider, G&P, is boosting its ranks with the recruitment of even more ex-military service personnel.

Already employing several former armed forces staff, G&P has found the skills, training and work ethic that comes with a military background complementary to its own core values and the type of work it carries out for many of its manufacturing clients.

“At G&P, we’re incredibly proud of our association with the armed forces and their personnel past and present,” explains Dino Kyriacou, CEO, G&P. “Not only have we signed the Armed Forces Covenant, but we have actively recruited a number of former military personnel over recent years. We have found these team members to have a fantastic work ethic, the right qualifications and experience, high levels of dedication and exceptional attention to detail. These types of skills are highly valuable in our area of work, so we have no hesitation in once again, looking towards former military personnel as we continue to grow.”

As part of its armed forces activity, G&P recently attended a Career Transition Partnership employment fair, a dedicated recruitment fair for former armed forces personnel or those who are leaving soon. Furthermore, the company will be supporting Armed Forces Day, which takes place on 29 June by encouraging all staff to attend and support their local events.

One recent new recruit to the G&P team is former Guards’ Colour sergeant Wayne Burford who joined G&P in February after a 28-year military career which saw him serve in the British army in Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan. Burford, who was awarded a merit service medal in the 2014 Queen’s birthday honours, now works as a Vehicle Technician Coordinator for G&P, a role far removed from his military career where he was involved in the Queen’s Birthday parade and the state opening of parliament among many other activities.


During his career which included being seriously injured in combat several times, Burford gained a multitude of qualifications, including a degree in electrical and mechanical engineering which is being fully utilised in his current quality management role.

Commenting on his career so far with G&P, Burford said, “So far, my time at G&P has been fantastic. It’s a really good company that looks after its people and is open and transparent with them, qualities that we hold dear within the armed forces. For any of my former service colleagues who are now looking at their own next step, my advice would be not to just go for the first job you find. Talk to people. Be honest about what you want to do and what you can offer. Go to careers fairs like the recent one in Telford and you too, could find your ideal role just as I have done.”

Any former military personnel interested in finding out more about engineering, manufacturing or quality management roles within G&P or its customers, can call 01922 458 003 or email

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